Wildeck Highlights Differences Between Material Lift Solutions


Wildeck VRCs and RMLs: Key Differences & Advantages of Each

Wildeck has recently published an article on its website highlighting the key differences between its material lift solutions.


When it comes to moving materials from one elevation of your facility to the next, Wildeck offers the flexibility of two solutions that will get the job done with the push of a button: Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors (VRCs) and Rideable Material Lifts (RMLs). While these two solutions both look alike, and are safe, cost-effective methods for moving material between multiple levels, they have some important differences. Based on those differences, and your application needs, typically, one is going to be a better solution than the other.   


What are Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors (VRCs)?

The "Material Only" option - Wildeck VRCs are a cost effective, safe, and efficient means of moving “material only” between levels. They are typically easier and less costly to operate and maintain than elevators or forklift trucks. While they may look like elevators, VRCs are classified as a “material conveyor” under the ASME/ANSI B20.1 Safety Code for Conveyors – so people cannot ride them. VRCs are typically custom designed to a customer’s specific application requirements, including travel height, travel speed, carriage size, capacity, and more. They can safely transfer pallet loads, as well as carts and boxes that may not be best moved by a forklift. They can also be integrated into new or existing automated systems. VRCs can also be integrated into AGV (auto-guided vehicle), or robotic systems for factory automation.


What are Rideable Material Lifts (RMLs)?

The “Rideable” option - Wildeck’s RiderLift™ RMLs (Rideable Material Lifts) allow an authorized person to safely travel with their material, between levels, at a fraction of the cost of an elevator. Unlike VRCs, Wildeck RMLs are in fact elevators. Specifically, they are designed and manufactured as Type B Material Lifts as regulated under the ASME A17.1/CSA B44 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. This section of the code allows one rider/operator to accompany their material to the next level. However, RMLs are not passenger elevators, should not be accessible or used by the general public and can only be operated by trained and authorized personnel. RMLs are not an alternative for ADA compliance, and are most often installed in industrial environments.


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