I’m part of a bigger team.
What I do on-the-job can impact how I, and my coworkers, benefit from the ESOP. By delivering my best effort,
I can help grow our company and enrich our lives in the future.
I am building value.
I have a place here.
My role is important and I take pride in it – doing my best, helping others, and looking for ways to improve.
By striving to understand connections between my work, others’ roles and overall expectations,
I strengthen the company and the ESOP.
It begins with me.
I do more than show up.
I decide to be ready, do well, and think beyond a single moment. Being active in my role can
positively impact my career, the company’s future, and the ESOP benefit.
I choose to be here and now... every day.
There’s no status quo.
I want to learn and develop my skills. The success of the business depends on continuously looking to improve
and develop good working relationships with coworkers, vendors and customers.
With my strong service and efforts to grow...
I can reach new heights.
I help foster a culture of putting customers first.
Knowing what is most important, I work to consistently exceed expectations. When issues arise, I find solutions
and seek improvement to enhance what we deliver. Our business and the ESOP rely on customers.
I serve them.
I’m dependable and reliable.
I value honesty and hard work – making decisions every day that can impact our company and the ESOP.
My motivation and positive actions support a healthy, thriving workplace.
Being an employee owner means doing the right thing.
It’s more than doing my part.
I’m a partner – serving my coworkers so that we can succeed and build ESOP value.
Working toward a common goal is good for the company and each of us.
I am part of a whole.